Online Course Specific Requirements
Online Learning Course-Specific Computer Requirements
Having a reliable computer that meets these specifications ensures you’re ready to engage in online learning. Some programs may require additional capabilities, so be sure to check with your program of study for specific recommendations. Unless otherwise noted on this webpage or in your instructor’s syllabus, all online courses require the following:
- Windows 10 or iOS (Apple) operating system (preferably not ChromeOS)
- At least 4 GB of RAM/Memory
- At least 64 GB storage space
- Keyboard (if not built in)
- Intel i3 or higher or AMD Ryzen 3 or higher, or M1 Apple Chip (please note that some software may not currently run on the M1)
Free Software Resources for Online Learning
As a student, you have free access to essential software for your coursework.
- Microsoft Office Suite: Includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
- Adobe Reader: Needed to view documents in many classes.
Online Courses
For all accounting distance education courses, access to Microsoft Office Word and Excel are required in order to submit homework, unless specifically instructed otherwise.
For all accounting distance education courses, access to Microsoft Office Word and Excel are required in order to submit homework, unless specifically instructed otherwise. Students will also need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
For all accounting distance education courses, access to Microsoft Office Word and Excel are required in order to submit homework, unless specifically instructed otherwise. Students will also need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Students should have the latest Adobe software loaded on their computer. Students will need to load the Klooster & Allen Computerized Payroll Accounting Software that comes with the textbook onto their personal computer.
Students should have the latest Adobe software loaded on their computer. Students will need to load the QuickBooks Pro 2010 Accounting Software that comes with the textbook onto their personal computer.
For all accounting distance education courses, access to Microsoft Office Word and Excel are required in order to submit homework, unless specifically instructed otherwise. Students will also need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
For all accounting distance education courses, access to Microsoft Office Word and Excel are required in order to submit homework, unless specifically instructed otherwise.
This course requires a lab kit which may be purchased directly from Carolina Biological or using a voucher from the bookstore. Your instructor will provide you with the information for purchase.
You may also be required to supply common household supplies such as vinegar, water, etc. All labs will be performed in the virtual world, however you are required to submit digital images of the data sheets for the laboratory portion of the course.
Therefore you are required to have a digital camera or an alternate way to produce digital images (i.e., scanner). All students must submit digital images and failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the course or a grade of an 'F'.
Students should be aware that the midterm and final exams will be given as seated proctored exams, as scheduled on the college calendar.
For the lab component of BIO 111 there is NOT a lab manual, so please do not purchase one. In lieu of the lab manual, however, you are required to purchase a lab kit which may be purchased directly from Carolina Biological or using a voucher from the bookstore.
Your instructor will provide you with the information for purchase and will notify you regarding pick up of items for the supplementary lab materials (supplemental materials are provided free of charge). Other, everyday supplies, like paper cups, vinegar, etc. will be provided by the student. All labs will be performed in the virtual world or by you at an off campus site (i.e. your home), however you are required to submit digital images of the data sheets and lab set ups for the laboratory portion of the course.
All students must submit digital images that can be read and failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the course or a grade of an 'F'. Note also that students WILL be required to take a seated midterm and final exam (not online), generally administered at the Lee Main Campus.
For the lab component of BIO 112 there is NOT a lab manual, so please do not purchase one. What you will be required to purchase is access to Late Nite Labs, which will cost ~$15. You can purchase access through the bookstore or directly from the website (details for direct purchase will be given in BB).
This course will also require a lab kit. Students will be required to come to one of the main campuses to pick up a lab kit, which will contain nearly all of the lab supplies needed for the lab portion of the course. Other, everyday supplies, like paper cups, vinegar, etc. will be provided by the student.
All labs will be performed in the virtual world or by you at an off campus site (i.e. your home), however you are required to submit digital images of the data sheets and lab set ups for the laboratory portion of the course.
Therefore you are required to have a digital camera or an alternate way to produce digital images (i.e. scanner or camera phone). All students must submit digital images that can be read and failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the course or a grade of an 'F'.
For the lab component of BIO140 there is NOT a lab manual; please do not purchase one in the bookstore. Students will be required to come to one of the main campuses to pick up a lab kit, which will contain nearly all of the lab supplies needed for the lab portion of the course. Other, everyday supplies, like paper cups, vinegar, etc. will be provided by the student.
Students are required to have a digital camera or ways of producing digital images, e.g., cell phones.
It is recommended that students have access to a business calculator and/or Excel.
It is strongly recommended that students have completed their math requirement prior to taking this course.
Students must have Microsoft Excel and be proficient with spreadsheets.
The computer must have Java player to watch videos, Adobe reader to view documents and MS PowerPoint (or PowerPoint Viewer) to open PowerPoint presentations.
Students must purchase required textbook, including the Mastering Chemistry-Online homework Access Code. If the Mastering Chemistry-Online homework Access Code is not purchased with the textbook it will have to be purchased separately.
The midterm and final exams will be proctored tests, NOT online tests. Students must also enroll in the co-requisite CHM 092L seated lab course.
The computer must have Java player to watch videos, Adobe reader to view documents and MS PowerPoint (or PowerPoint Viewer) to open PowerPoint presentations.
Students must purchase required textbook, including the Mastering Chemistry-Online homework Access Code. If the Mastering Chemistry-Online homework Access Code is not purchased with the textbook it will have to be purchased separately. Students must also enroll in the co- requisite CHM 130A seated lab course.
The midterm and final exams will be proctored tests NOT online tests.
Your computer must have a Java player to watch videos, Adobe reader to view documents and MS PowerPoint (or PowerPoint Viewer) to open PowerPoint presentations. This course will be using 'inclusive access'. An online version of the textbook and access to the online homework site will be provided through Blackboard starting the first day of class. A charge will automatically be added to your 推荐正规买球平台 account to cover this.
In addition to this you will have to also purchase a lab kit to perform experiments at home. This can be purchased online directly from the supplier through a link in the Blackboard on the first day of class or a voucher can be purchased at the bookstore. You will have a short time before you have to use the lab kit so there should be sufficient time for it to be shipped to you if you order it on the first day of class.
You will also need to have access to a digital camera (a camera in a phone is sufficient) to take and submit pictures of your experiments.
The midterm and final exams will be proctored tests NOT online tests.
Your computer must have a Java player to watch videos, Adobe reader to view documents and MS PowerPoint (or PowerPoint Viewer) to open PowerPoint presentations. This course will be using 'inclusive access'. An online version of the textbook and access to the online homework site will be provided through Blackboard starting the first day of class. A charge will automatically be added to your 推荐正规买球平台 account to cover this.
In addition to this you will have to also purchase a lab kit to perform experiments at home. This can be purchased online directly from the supplier through a link in the Blackboard on the first day of class or a voucher can be purchased at the bookstore. You will have a short time before you have to use the lab kit so there should be sufficient time for it to be shipped to you if you order it on the first day of class.
You will also need to have access to a digital camera (a camera in a phone is sufficient) to take and submit pictures of your experiments.
The midterm and final exams will be proctored tests NOT online tests.
Students will need computer access with a minimum of Microsoft Office 2016 for the following applications: Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint to submit homework documents (not Microsoft Works, Word Perfect, or Notepad). Microsoft Office 2016 will also be used to access documents on the Blackboard class site.
Students will need computer access with a minimum of Microsoft Office 2016 for the following applications: Excel, Word and PowerPoint to submit homework documents (not Microsoft Works, Word Perfect, or Notepad). Microsoft Office 2016 will also be used to access documents on the Blackboard class site.
Students will need a Windows-based computer or a Mac with Microsoft Office 365 installed on the computer for the following applications: Excel and Word. Office 365 is available for free for students here: A chromeOS based computer is not sufficient for this course.
Students will need a Windows-based computer with Microsoft Office 365 installed on the computer for the following applications: Access and Word. Office 365 is available for free for students at Microsoft Access cannot be installed directly on a Mac. Use of a virtual machine or Bootcamp will be required on a Mac. A chromeOS based computer is not sufficient for this course.
Students are required to take all unit tests under the direction of 推荐正规买球平台 staff or faculty either online or in person. There is a required orientation quiz that must be completed by a set date of the class to remain enrolled in the course. This class requires students to have a functioning computer, use Microsoft WORD, and have reliable internet. Students must also have an internal (built in) or external webcam and microphone.
Students will have to work in a program called MindTap. There is a required orientation quiz that must be completed by a set date of the class to remain enrolled in the course. This class will require students to have a functioning computer, use Microsoft WORD, and have reliable internet. Students must also have an internal (built in) or external webcam and microphone.
Webcam/recording capability.
Students will need access to digital video and voice recorders. PowerPoint software, the ability to download and use a free video editing software (Camtasia) and the ability to stream video on their computers.
Students must be familiar and understand how to use the Microsoft Tracking feature because instructor will return (graded form) a minimum of 2 essays using this feature. Students need reliable access to the Internet.
Students will occasionally be required to submit digital images of their work. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image or a web-cam image (cell phone images may not be accepted if they are of poor quality.) If a required digital image is not submitted for an assignment, a grade of 'Zero' will be given for that assignment.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the HIT program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free at: and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Furthermore, various courses will require the download of multiple software applications (i.e., Respondus, VLab, textbook lab content, etc..), therefore it is suggested that you have a minimum 320 GB 5400 rpm hard drive or 128GB solid-state hard drive and 4 GB of RAM. Please note Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in HIT courses.
In addition to the above requirements, students may be required to submit digital images to satisfy course requirements. This requirement may be satisfied with an image from a digital camera, a scanned image, cell-phone camera, or a webcam image.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
Students will complete a collaborative learning experience that requires working in small groups of 4-5 students. Collaborative learning is an essential component of the course and will require use of technology for video meetings, such as Blackboard Collaborate and Google Hangouts. Students need the ability to stream video on their computers. The course requires the ability to access the Internet during the week and on the weekends.
Students are required to view specific films for successful completion of HUM 160.These films should be rented through Amazon or another streaming source assigned by the instructor.
Students will need a Windows-based computer or a Mac with Microsoft Office 365 installed on the computer for the following applications: Excel and Word. Office 365 is available for free for students at A chromeOS based computer is not sufficient for this course.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
Students must purchase required texts and have access to Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition 2002 Revision (any later 'Update' is fine). This title is not available through 推荐正规买球平台; it may be ordered from the American Library Association.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
Before taking this course, all students must complete the prerequisites LIB 111 and WEB 110. This course also requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
This course requires reliable internet access, access to the required textbooks, and Microsoft Word.
Students will be required to take a proctored diagnostic test within the first 3-4 days of the semester to be able to have access to the software program. NROC EdReady software is free for students.
Students will be required to use Pearson MyLab Math software for these courses. The student purchases the software when paying for tuition through Follett Access.
Students will be required to use Pearson MyLab Math software for these courses. The student purchases the software when paying for tuition through Follett Access.
Students will be required to use Pearson MyLab Math software for these courses. The student purchases the software when paying for tuition through Follett Access.
Students will be required to use Pearson MyLab Math software for these courses. The student purchases the software when paying for tuition through Follett Access.
Students will be required to use Pearson MyLab Math software for these courses. The student purchases the software when paying for tuition through Follett Access.
Students will be required to have the Student Access Kit (Access Code) for My-Math-Lab. These are supposed to be on the bookstore order. Students will also need to register (free of charge) at the Annenberg Foundation sponsored site to access a video series 'Algebra In Simplest Terms.' Students should be aware that on- site proctored midterm and/or final exams may be given.
Proctored Midterm and Final. Access Code to MyStatLab (ISBN: 9780135027028) for required assignments associated with the text Elementary Statistics 5th edition by Larson (ISBN: 9780321693624).
Note: Purchase of Access Code includes the complete text in electronic version. Students should have a reliable scientific or graphing calculator with two-variable statistics functions and access to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel (access to StatCrunch included with the access kit, but some students prefer to work with other spreadsheet applications). Students should be aware that on-site proctored midterm and/or final exams may be given.
Students should be aware that on-site proctored midterm and/or final exams may be given.
Students should be aware that on-site proctored midterm and/or final exams may be given.
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents. Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Students must purchase required textbook with Access Key code from the 推荐正规买球平台 bookstore to enter the course.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Students must purchase required textbook with Access Key code from the 推荐正规买球平台 bookstore to enter the course.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents. Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) (which can be downloaded for free) and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Students must purchase required textbook with Access Key code from the 推荐正规买球平台 bookstore to enter the course.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks).
In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students are required to purchase current editions of the ICD-10-CM, CPT and HCPCS coding book.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks). In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks). In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Students must purchase required textbook with Access Key code from the 推荐正规买球平台 bookstore to enter the course.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks). In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks). In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams
This class is an inclusive access course. Students will have access to the eBook on the first day of the course. Paper copies of the book are available in the bookstore.
Students taking this course should be able to send emails, create word documents of college level quality, and attach word documents.
Students will need to have access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. It is recommended that this computer be windows based as some programs/software used throughout the MA program are not as easily accessible on MAC or other types of devices (i.e., Chromebooks). In addition, all courses will require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
It is also required that you have access to a webcam and microphone as some courses require recorded content/presentations, utilize virtual sessions, and/or require virtual proctoring for exams.
Microsoft Office Word 2013 is required software.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers. Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged.
All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
Students are required to have access to a webcam with a built-in microphone. Students must also have the proper operating systems, browsers and plug-ins for MindTap (details can be found online).
Students are required to have access to a webcam with a built-in microphone. Students must also have the proper operating systems, browsers and plug-ins for MindTap (details can be found online).
Students must have access to Java player to watch videos and to PowerPoint software. Adobe reader will be required to open a few documents. Students are required to submit digital images for this course. Therefore you are required to have a digital camera or an alternate way to produce digital images (i.e. scanner). All students must submit digital images and failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the course or a grade of an 'F'.
Students are required to have access to a webcam with a built-in microphone. Students must also have the proper operating systems, browsers and plug-ins for MindTap (details can be found online).
Students are required to have access to a webcam with a built-in microphone. Students must also have the proper operating systems, browsers and plug-ins for MindTap (details can be found online).
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers.
Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged. All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.
You will need to have consistent access to a computer with high-speed or broadband internet access and speakers.
Students will need to have access to Google Chrome or Firefox; using the Microsoft Edge Internet browser is discouraged. All courses require the use of Microsoft Office (Microsoft: Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) which can be downloaded for free, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Chromebooks are not compatible with HST learning; Google Docs and Google Slides are not allowed in the HST courses. The use of OneDrive and SharePoint are also discouraged, as Blackboard may change the formatting. Downloading Office Products is how HST students learn best.
You must also have access to a webcam and microphone, as virtual learning may be required. Students will use the Internet and youtube to learn. Students need to ensure they have access to 'unrestricted' youtube videos.